Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Juggling, that's what it is! I ought to learn to juggle tennis balls – this month it seems like I’ve mastered juggling my schedule!

It is so nice to have spring really here – the birds, the spring flowers, earlier sunrises, and (usually) warmer temperatures for running. That all helps to make it easier to juggle the running schedule.

Last week and this week, my long runs have had to be run on midweek days. That’s because the choir I sing in had a full weekend of singing last weekend, plus with Easter coming, a full weekend of singing next weekend. Weekends are my usual long runs, but since I love singing with the choir, I’ll juggle the running schedule.

This morning my run was planning Friday’s long run. Last week my long run was on Wednesday, and while it went well, it wasn’t as long as I’d have liked. I’d just given blood, so was being extra cautious out there. The long range weather forecast predicted Friday as the best running day this week. And (juggling again) I knew right off it had to be Monday, Wednesday, or Friday because of my gym and swim lesson schedule (that can’t be juggled).

As pretty as it is in the spring to run up on the ridge, I chose my route instead to be running the 8 miles to town and back, with a few out-and-backs on side roads to get a total of 19 miles. Going all the way to town and back means I can’t let any distractions make it shorter, plus, I’ll have a couple of places for water fountains for Gu breaks. That way, I’ll just carry the Gatorade Endurance with me on the route.

Mind you, I might have to carry the camera with me, for rural Oregon really is beautiful this season, and for sure I’ll carry my cell phone. The other half of Team Karen, in Oklahoma, is always fun for a chat on a long run, and that will help keep my pace under control. The high temperature on Friday is supposed to be low 70s, the warmest yet this spring, and I like running in warm weather! It’ll be 50ish when I start, and that’s OK.

I got this all planned out on my run this morning, and coming home, passed one of the neighbors, Tom, out rototilling his garden space. And that’s a SURE sign of spring!

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