Tuesday, September 25, 2007

1/2 of a Century!

How to do a surprise party? With daughters who let their Mom have fun, and some good friends helping the girls!

Reggie's b'day is September 19 -- International Talk Like a Pirate Day. So that was how the pirate theme got planned. But the weekend was September 16 -- and it worked out that we were on Mt. Hood from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. We were late getting Reggie home (but I told the girls I couldn't guarantee an exact time), so some of the guests couldn't stay, but it worked out that the car got way-layed coming up the driveway, so Reg could be blindfolded, dressed up as Captain Pirate, and brought out behind the shop where the party was waiting...

The party was going on! Lots of pics of fun friends and family:

Happy 50th B'day, Reggie!

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