Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Oregon's newest State Park... L. L. "Stub" Stewart State Park, in the coastal range between Banks and Vernonia. They have some camping areas already done (more being developed), some cabins done, and a walk-in tent camp area. There are many trails (the bike/hike trail that connects Banks and Vernonia, the old railroad grade, goes through the park). Many of the trails on the map are not completed yet, and are closed off, and many that are open aren't signed well, but the park is just beginning and things can only get better.

We were there late Saturday afternoon last week, and here are some pics:

The trails are mostly on old logging road/skidder trails. It is beautiful forest up there! Very muddy after the rains, so we had to hike carefully and step carefully on some of the marshy trails.

This is a very hilly area, so some of the trails are not easy ones. But they (at least the ones that were opened) are all doable -- and beautiful in the fall!

Most of the flowers are already gone, but here was a big, brave lupine still blooming:

We'll definitely be visiting here again!

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